30DHN: A Place I’d Like to Travel

Fire up those blogging fingers, kiddos!  Desiree at So Fawned has, for the past THREE YEARS (!), been hosting an awesome series for the month of November:  30 Days Hath November.  
Every day comes with a new writing prompt, and I just knew I had to tackle the challenge! 

So Fawned 30 Days Hath November

The Prompt for Day One is:
A Place I’d Like to Travel

Today, while I was wandering the Upper West Side, I was struck by pangs of wanting to return to Paris.  Perhaps it was some romantic longing now awakened by the cooling weather (my ideal weather), or the sudden influx of leisure time. I felt nostalgic for the ancient white buildings and winding streets. 

If I had the time, or the money, I would return in a heartbeat to The Perfect Hotel.  Enjoy a view just like this from my balcony every morning and eat cheese sandwiches for breakfast.  Get lost on streets I can’t pronounce, stop in for a cup of rich coffee like you can only get in Paris.  I would never grow tired of the smells, the language, and the many tastes of the second-best city in the world!


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