Surprise From Behind


For ten years, I dyed my hair nearly every imaginable colour.  Starting when I was thirteen and yearned to be a feisty redhead, to my high school graduation whereupon I sported streaks of pink and purple, to the post-college long, blonde years.

Then, when I was 23, I decided to stop.  Cold turkey.  Put down some roots, if you will.

During my trim last week, I felt an itch to do something new.  I told my hairdresser I trusted him and wanted something “bold, but not so bold as to get me fired.”

He dyed the back of my head to a light blonde.
You can only see it from behind.
Surprise from behind.
The classiest, trashiest dye job possible.


One response to “Surprise From Behind”

  1. My hair history is so similar! Started dying at 14, was totally addicted, finally quit cold turkey when I was 20 and tried to embrace my natural, mousey/dishwater/dirty blonde. There is no positive name for my natural color. Now I just get partial highlights- satisfies the addiction and staves off the dirty names. Business in the front, party in the back- I like the surprise blonde! 🙂

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