The Chocolate Bunny Story

My grandfather was not known to be an affectionate man.  He worked a dangerous job, building the electrical plant in Niagara Falls, taking treacherous buses down steep hills into the Niagara River to build and supply power to the whole region.  He was proud, and self-assured, but a romantic he was not.

One Easter, he surprised my Grandmother with an enormous chocolate bunny, a sight to behold and delight.  They placed it on a pedestal of honor, just inside their living room window:  the family’s very new, very old-fashioned television set.

Sometime during that evening’s television viewing, the family noticed the smell of chocolate.  The enormous bunny, once proud and aloof, was now hunched over and leaning – the hot tubes inside the television were melting their pride and joy!

That is why, every year, we place a bunny on the TV set at Easter time.

Though I’m not sure how to get a bunny to balance on a flat-screen?

Sounds like a job for CHOCOLATE CHICKEN!


One response to “The Chocolate Bunny Story”

  1. Grandpa and Grandma would be proud…..
    I think I have a slide of that infamous bunny somewhere.

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