All You Single Ladies!

Attention, “Females”!

Don’t despair in being single and lonely!  Come to New York City, where “maybe romance” is just around the corner!

Well-adjusted men with not just one, but TWO telephone numbers are waiting to meet YOU for “one nite stands” at such classy cultural establishments as “the library,” “bookstore,” and “a cigarette meet date”!!!

Do you enjoy “window shopping”???  “Cake & ice cream”???  “THE ZOO”???

What are you waiting for!

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity!

But it only happens ONCE, because this guy has an elementary grasp of the English language, amateur graphic design skills, and DOESN’T DO SECOND DATES – “ONE NItE StANdS ONLY!”

Call now!


One response to “All You Single Ladies!”

  1. Omg. I'm calling right now.

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