Something I Adore

I was racking my brain all day on this one, then it hit me on the walk home. I actually went three blocks out of my way to get some of these shots- in 20 degree weather!!!

So sue me.  I adore living in New York City.  I adore being a New Yorker!  I feel like I’ve always been a New Yorker at heart – um, impatient?  And weird.  Well, I adore New York.

Ya wanna fight about it?


6 responses to “Something I Adore”

  1. I'm incredibly jealous that you live in NYC. I went there for a few days in August and it was definitely the highlight of 2011 for me. Hoping to go back towards the end of 2012 – so I can see it all decorated and pretty for the holidays 🙂

  2. I love Instagram. And New Yorkers, even though that might be weird.

    Great pics 🙂

    1. Not weird! I think it's a compliment! I mean, why do you think so many TV shows and movies are set in NYC? We got charisma, baby!!!

  3. So jealous! I haven't even visited NYC yet 🙁 It looks so lovely. You're a lucky girl.

  4. Anonymous Avatar

    Beautiful photos especially the top one! Great tribute to NY

  5. Hey so glad i've discovered your blog!
    Those pictures are great, God i miss NYC!!

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