A Peek At…Alice’s Tea Cup

Telling the masses about Alice’s Tea Cup causes me consternation. Do I really want more crowds fighting against me for the scones? Ah, I suppose I will allow it.

Alice’s has THREE locations!!!  I’ve been to two, and two out of three ain’t bad.  One just blocks from the Natural History Museum (and The Dakota, where John Lennon lived in NYC) (pictured below), one a scant walk from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and one down near Barney’s and Bloomie’s and all that good shopping.  Basically, if you come to New York, and see ANYTHING important, you’ll be just blocks away from an Alice’s Tea Cup.

Oh, and if you’re a fan of Lewis Carroll’s narrative, you’ll freaking LOVE it here.  On the walls are passages from the books.  I found this one to be particularly funny, please excuse the shoddy pictures.  It was right next to a sign that said “Tea Time Is Quiet Time!” and threatened something along the lines of “off with your cell phone, or off with your head!” so I didn’t want to draw too much attention:

Now, if you’re a lover of tea, you really can’t go wrong.  I myself am not much of a tea person, I usually only drink tea when I’m either a) sick or b) in England, but I will drink ALL THIS TEA.  The Empress Blend Rajini, a black tea with rose petals, reminds me of a special blend I had in London on Valentine’s Day two years ago.  I literally cried the first time I drank it, in a weird Proustian flashback.  And yesterday I downed at least three cups of Chocolate Mint tea, which leads us rather indelicately to…

The bathroom.  Did I mention EVERY INCH of this place is COVERED in AWESOME PAINTINGS?  I hope I don’t get in trouble for posting this, but it was just. too. cute.  All my apologies, Alice’s Tea Cup!  I will pay a penance of eating scones with you for the rest of my natural life.  And the tuna sandwich…oh…I have no idea what a “cornichon” is, but I hope it’s not endangered, because it is DELICIOUS.

So there you have it.  This is one of my favourite places to visit in New York.  They score with decor, then back it up with awesome food and the service is always beyond friendly and super chill, even when there’s a wait!  So what are YOU waiting for?  Climb down the rabbit hole already!

Visit Alice’s Tea Cup
102 West 73rd Street OR
156 East 64th Street OR
220 East 81st Street
8am – 8pm


4 responses to “A Peek At…Alice’s Tea Cup”

  1. Will definitely check this place out next time I make a trip to NYC! 🙂

  2. mmmm tea. that tea pot is sooo cute!

  3. Sweet pictures! The tea pot is so adorable. New follower 🙂

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