Remember the Times

Ever wake up at 11am on a Saturday, you don’t have to work, it’s nice and cold outside, and just…

go through old facebook photos of yourself?
Maybe you should try to be a little more narcissistic, because it is AWESOME.
Case in point:
I found these old photos of me from YEARS back and I want to share them here (lucky you!)
This is me, acting!  In February 2008, in a production of, appropriately enough, A Midsummer Night’s Dream.  I loved it because I got to play one of my dream roles.  I’m sure you can tell why.
This must be the following February.  Eli bought me that hat that day, because I didn’t realize I would be cold.  What a gem…this is Rockefeller Center, by the way, note the skaters behind me.
Ahh, my 25th birthday, July 2009.  I was growing out my blonde hair, so I just wanted to post this picture as proof that I DID THE OMBRE TREND TWO YEARS BEFORE IT WAS POPULAR!!!
(deep breath)
Moving on…
Oh, this picture of Piccadilly Circus in London.  It’s my first picture in London, taken as soon as I set foot on English soil!  (After the airport, because airports are blah)  It’s a terrible pitcure.  So many things were racing through my head…first off, it’s 5am and I’m totally jetlagged.  And then there it was:  my first taste of risk, adventure, and a weird foreign-ness that’s totally unexplainable until you step out of your comfort zone and realize you’re lost…and you love it.
That spring, in Venice.  It rained basically nonstop!  This lion statue was so sad to be rained on…so I helped.

 Oh yeah!  This is not a camera trick!  We had a HUGE blizzard and the snow piles were as tall as I was!  Sidewalks were impassable!  I just love the expression on my face, because that’s how I truly felt every time I tried to walk home through that mess.

I love looking back at old photos.  Wondering what I was thinking with that hair.  Remembering awesome times and the stories behind the pictures. It’s funny to see how much we change and how much we stay the same, even over a span of just a few years’ time!


One response to “Remember the Times”

  1. I love looking at old photos too! :] This was so much fun to see some of yours!

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