Tag: New York living
The Worst Bathroom In New York City
Ok so, if you’ve been reading my blog faithfully over the years, you’ll know that I have some opinions on public bathrooms. Many opinions on public bathrooms. So please, don’t misunderstand me: I love public bathrooms. Every time my query “do you have a bathroom I could use?” is met with a “Yes!”, I am grateful for that bathroom. I’m grateful even…
Subway = Elevator
A lot of visitors (read = tourists) feel very intimidated by the New York City subway system! I mean, maaaaaybe it has something to do with the fact that actual New Yorkers are endlessly complaining about it. I know it took me a year of living here before I felt fully confident getting around! And…
My Very First Visit To TIMES SQUARE
Ok so FIRST OF ALL, this story takes place a looooong time ago. Like, 2005, probably. 14 years ago. That’s one entire Tweenage Disney Channel Sitcom Star ago. My first boyfriend — in college — because Late Bloomers Gonna Bloom Late — grew up in New York City. My first time happened when I was…
Squeaky Shoes
The skill that has taken me the longest to hone, and the skill that has served me the best in my everyday life, is the ability to squeak my shoes. Yes, I have finally mastered the gentle scuff of my Converse against nearly any ground-type surface that elicits an ear-piercing “SQUEAK!” on demand, any time and any where.…