According to Instagram…

The sweet-and-beautiful-online-and-in-real-life Eeka at Live.Love.Random recently did a post called “According to Instagram” about the telling nature of her Instagram feed.  And I vowed to steal that idea.  Fair warning, I left a comment!  And it turns out, my Instagram feed pretty much paints an accurate picture of who I am:

ACCORDING TO INSTAGRAM:   I am obsessed with food

ACCORDING TO INSTAGRAM   I read a ton of comics

ACCORDING TO INSTAGRAM   I knit like a fiend

ACCORDING TO INSTAGRAM   I’m constantly wearing fancy eye makeup

So there you have it.  Eating, knitting, comics, and eyeshadow.  If any of this floats your boat, you should totes follow my Instagram and be my IGBFF.  We can talk about how much we love Trader Joe’s and Batman and Urban Decay 24/7 liner!


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