Have Space Suit – Will Travel

Robert A. Heinlein has two modes:
one is for long, drawn out emotional epics that will never leave you filled with characters who feel as close as family.
But never forget that he also writes fast, fun stories like Have Space Suit -Will Travel.

Meet Kip Russel, starry eyed – or should I say, MOONy eyed teenager.  He’s an instantly like able protagonist – hardworking, clever, charismatic.  You want to root from him from page three.

This is considered one of Heinlein’s YA novels – which basically means there’s no sex in it (unlike his other novels, cough cough To Sail Beyond the Sunset) but don’t think for a second that Heinlein goes easy on you.  When he takes out the sex, he leaves you with drama, violence, and lengthy science babble:
In summary, Have Space Suit – Will Travel is a quick and fun introduction to Heinlein’s writing style with appeal for all ages and a hero you’ll cheer for out loud!


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