5 Fandom Friday: Halloween Movies

Time again for more 5 Fandom Friday with The Nerdy Girlie and SuperSpaceChick!  This week’s topic is Halloween movies you must see – which is hard because I don’t really have many!  I could only think of three that I *MUST* see every year:

1.  It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!  OH MY GOD, I can’t even begin to tell you how much I love this movie.  As soon as it starts playing, and “Linus and Lucy” comes through the speakers, I begin to bawl.  Bawl like a baby!  Like Linus when Lucy carves the pumpkin!  Like Snoopy when the French ballad interrupts “It’s A Long Way to Tipperary”!  Like Sally when she spends all night waiting in the pumpkin patch and misses tricks or treats!  I love this movie SO MUCH and I may have it committed to memory.

2.  “Fear, Itself”  Buffy the Vampire Slayer  Season Four, Episode Four – with the haunted frat house?  Oh it has everything.  Self-referential jokes, Anya in a bunny costume, and candy.  Best Halloween episode of the whole series!!!

3.  Rocky Horror Picture Show  last year, at midnight, I was at The Way Station in Brooklyn (you know, the one with the TARDIS for a bathroom?) and watched RHPS at midnight, in a red velvet ball gown, while drinking a cocktail named after Rose Tyler.  If that sort of thing doesn’t cement a tradition, I don’t know what does!

This year, I’ll be giving back-to-back tours on Halloween, so hopefully I’ll have a chance to unwind with these classics!  Meanwhile, check out what you’ve missed so far in the 5 Fandom Friday series:

October 24th:  My Must See List of Halloween Movies
October 31st:  The Halloween Candy I Always Hope For When Trick-Or-Treating

November  7th:  Comfort Foods That Always Make Me Feel Better

November 14th:  Smart Phone Apps I Cannot Live Without
November 21st:  Characters I Would Invite To My Thanksgiving Feast
November 28th:  Black Friday Purchases I Would Sacrifice A Night Of Sleep For


4 responses to “5 Fandom Friday: Halloween Movies”

  1. I think you have a mighty fine list here! I mean, who doesn't love Charlie Brown!?

  2. Charlie Brown is such a classic! It is not Halloween if you you don't watch it! xx

  3. Buffy was such a great show!! Love!!


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