Currently…in June 2015

FEELING:  Relieved!  Just yesterday my boyfriend and I moved in together!  It took ALL DAY but now we’re staring at heaps of boxes of combined stuff that will someday be our home which is amazing!

WATCHING:  In anticipation of living with someone I love and respect, I’ve been getting all my trashy reality TV out of my system, starting with Teen Mom and hopefully ending with Sister Wives.  But don’t judge me if I suffer a relapse.

LISTENING TO:  Funk music – George Clinton, Parliament, Rick James…dancey music has been helping me get (and stay) motivated!

READING:  I’m back on a Heinlein kick and am almost finished with Starship Troopers and as soon as I find where I packed it, I can’t wait to start Podkayne of Mars.

What to do next.  I finally have some ideas!  The future looks less scary now!  Keep fingers crossed for me! 

THINKING ABOUT:  how to decorate.  It is constantly on my brain.  This apartment is enormous and beautiful and I can see it coming together so easily…

Home-made tacos.  I’ve been trying to live cheaply and simply in anticipation of my massive life change, and tacos are cheap and easy to make.  Also I can eat them in three bites, and get back to packing.

LOOKING FORWARD TO:  I’m going to get sappy here…I’m looking forward to seeing my boyfriend every day.  He is the kindest, happiest, calmest human being I know.  What keeps me falling for him is the way he smiles at me every time I open the door.  I’m so excited to open the door to his smile every day.  You can’t help but feel like melted gold when he fixes his warm brown eyes and ever-present smile on you.  I feel lucky every time I’m on the receiving end of one of those amazing smiles.

(I’m also looking forward to the end of school, more ghost tours, living in Brooklyn, warmer weather, parks within walking distance, and finding a new job!)

MAKING ME HAPPY:  This new adventure.  Actually being done with the moving process.  Endings and beginnings.


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