5 Fandom Friday: I Was Born for Broadway, Baby

This is the 5 Fandom Friday I was born to play!  I mean, write.  It’s all about Broadway, Baby!  I’ve been fantasizing about playing these roles on the Great White Way since I was a teenager oh about a million years ago so choosing was easy (thank gawdness, since I’ve still got a million chores to do post-Burning Man!)

1.  Rose Vibert / Aspects of Love  I would be lying if I said I didn’t already kind of play her, in real life.  Obsession with this character led me to Number Five, on the list.  She’s an actress, and I’m constantly inspired to sing her lines:  “You’re too polite!  This face has had it’s day.”  “I’m resting again…”  “If I ask a question would you promise, you must promise, that the answer to my question is ‘yes’!”  I feel kind of sorry for everyone who met me, post-Aspects, that they’re getting a broad caricature of this lady when they interact with me.  But only kind of sorry.

2.  The Engineer / Miss Saigon  so there is NO WAY this would ever happen for me, but I loved the part in the musical as a teenager and fantasized often about singing “The American Dream”.  Alas, never gonna happen.  But that is a great number.

3.  Eva Peron / Evita  my parents had a record – RECORD! – of the original cast recording with Mandy Patinkin as Che and – oh yes – Patti LuPone as Evita herself.  While I would equally enjoy sinking my teeth into Mandy’s role, Patti makes Eva seem so alluring and fantastic as well!  La, fantasies!

4.  Lady Macbeth /
Macbeth oh one of my most recurring fantasies lately is playing this role.  I feel like I could totally kick ass in it, and I love the arc of conspiring villainess to repentant lunatic.  I’ll keep aiming!

5.  Hilde Wangel / The Master Builder  this is kind of a cheat because I did play this role, Off-off-Broadway, about five years ago.  Cheifly because Rose Vibert, see number 1, plays the part in Act One of Aspects of Love.  It was hard not to play Rose as Hilde in the role!  But it was a dream come true to be saying those lines.  It’s weird, I barely remember it – it’s like slipping into a trance, being on stage, deeply in character!  I’d do it again in a heartbeat!  I’ll never forget this dream coming true.


14 responses to “5 Fandom Friday: I Was Born for Broadway, Baby”

  1. Oh fantastic picks here too! It's making me want to add more to my list!!

  2. You're so lucky you've had a chance to step into some of these roles already!

    1. Thanks! Don't I know it!

  3. Yes Miss Saigon! I haven't listened to that in forever!

    1. Me neither! And I remember being really into it! I could probably sing you the entirety of "The Fall of Saigon," with like, all the parts. But beyond that and "The American Dream," and maybe one verse of "I Still Believe," I doubt I could remember it. I think I even get "I Still Believe" mixed up with "In His Eyes" from Jekyll and Hyde. OOPS. Bad, bad theatre nerd.

  4. Love Evita – great list 🙂

    1. Don't get me started with Evita – I will sing you the entire libretto, in broad imitations of Patti and Mandy's iconic voices. I think I do a pretty good Mandy, actually!!! And I loved him in Dead Like Me!

  5. I'll admit i know almost nothing about Broadway, but I think it's pretty awesome that Mandy Patinkin played Che in the original Evita! Love him, and I'm sure I'd love watching him perform as Che.

    1. Look it up on YouTube! I think he's amazing, and what he does with the role is so cute!!!

  6. Nice list! Wow for Evita (I find that one difficult)

    1. I already know the entire libretto, I'll totally do it!! Thanks!!!

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