December 2013 Photo-A-Day: Week One

I missed doing photo challenges!  I know they’re not popular anymore (perhaps that’s the sudden instant appeal for me?), but having more to do helps keep me on task.  ADD child, can you tell?  So I decided to keep myself on task with two things this month:  posting blogs every day, and following the  

Fat Mum Slim December 2013 Photo-A-Day challenge.

Day 1.  RED  –  my nails are red.  My roses are red.  And my face was hella red!  Bad sinus day.

Day 2.  WHERE I STOOD  –  at the yellow platform edge strip, LIKE A REBEL!

Day 3.  SILVER  –  the window display at Hugo Boss in Columbus Circle.  On my way to work.

Day 4.  TINY  –  today was a rough day, but I found comfort in remembering how small we all are.

Day 5.  IN THE CUPBOARD  –  after a huge grocery shopping trip.  I don’t joke about my Splenda addiction.  It dissolves instantly!  It’s sweeter than sugar!  I’m cutting back, I swear!

Day 6.  SHADOW  –  today was too overcast for shadows so I caught my own reflection in the subway windows on my way out for the night.  Cheating?  Perhaps.  Not as bad as…

Day 7.  6:00  –  I was heading to work at 6:00pm and sleeping (for once!) at 6:00am so I snapped this retroactively.  Whatever.

I love seeing how everyone else interprets the prompts!  Follow along with the photo challenge or just watch my Instagram @MeghanSara for more photos of New York City life and me being ridiculous!


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