GOOD NEWS! Good News is BACK!

Last week, I rounded up (proper past-tense?) a buncha stuff that was inspiring to me, getting me through the loneliness and the winter doldrums. And then I was like, “Why not continue to do that?” You know, I was doing that every Friday since 2016, right? Too lazy to research my archives. So I’m throwing caution to the wind and bringing back the Good News. Is it news? Errrrm, well, it’s GOOD, so, that’s a start.


First good thing: my protest-friend Connie and I went to the Women’s March on Saturday last week (almost a full week ago!) (she took that picture!) (thanks, Connie!)


Sady Doyle’s take on Aziz Ansari for Elle is a must-read. I’m sure by the time this linkup gets published, the news cycle will have completely moved on, which is a shame, because I want to shout-quote this entire piece from a mountaintop.


I was obsessed with this book when I was 18. This interview with the author makes me want to pick it up again (and hey ho, also to read the other books she name-drops as her inspiration)! Was anyone else out there completely dazzled by Tipping the Velvet by Sarah Waters when they were but a little one?


On Monday, I ran a BUNCH of work errands, which enabled me to take some much-needed journeys outside of my comfort zone. Like, on the JMZ train. After an emotionally fraught weekend, I really needed that. Did you say you wanted pics?

Being all over parts of Brooklyn that I haven’t really seen before just reminded me why I’m still here, why it’s all worth it. I love New York so much. I was thinking about that part of the podcast I recorded, where I said “There is no part of New York that I’ve seen that I haven’t loved,” and damn, I’m proud AF of that sentence, because it’s so true. 


Related: I wanna find this room at the Guggenheim!

I don’t know what I expected from this piece about the “Millennial Sex Club Guru,” but it was fascinating!

I treated myself to a pair of new sweatpants and I have to say, I’m adorable:

Have a good weekend! I’m in rehearsal on Sunday, but I’m looking forward to spending Saturday IN BED. I’m dying to sleep in!!



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