Autumn Wish List 2017, Revisited


*** HELLO, FRIENDS! During a Drafts Folder Clear-Out, I came across this draft that I’d last edited on September 27th, 2017. I abandoned this post — and my blog, really — for basically all of autumn after that while I was going through a bad breakup. A year has passed, or shall I say, flown by? It’s FALL again, my favorite season, and I considered re-writing this post, but then I decided, why not revisit it instead? Below in bold is the draft I discovered. Let’s revisit! Happy Autumn! ***



It’s FALL NOW!!! Yes, it’s not yet 8am and the air conditioner is already churning in the window, but according to the calendar, it’s FUCKING FALL. Fall is my favorite season, and I’m so excited for all the new things. Like, when the sweat stops rolling down my cheeks every time I spend more than five minutes outside? I’ve already had my first pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks, but there’s still more to look forward to. Here’s what I’m 


Make sweatpants a legitimate Thing.

Nail down an easy curry recipe

Go through my wardrobe and donate everything I can’t sell to second-hand stores

Eat Halloween candy

Find a brown lip that works for me

Go to Governor’s Island before they close for the season

See some leaves changing colors!



Ok we’re back! Let’s pour out a little bit of our PSLs for 2017 Meghan, poor, sad, lonely girl. The ultimate irony and REASON for revisiting this post is because, despite the trauma that was soon to befall me, I *actually* accomplished MOST of these autumnal goals BEFORE the beginning of this fall season! Now we revisit, with comment:



It’s FALL NOW!!! Yes, it’s not yet 8am and the air conditioner is already churning in the window, but according to the calendar, it’s FUCKING FALL. Fall is my favorite season, and I’m so excited for all the new things. Like, when the sweat stops rolling down my cheeks every time I spend more than five minutes outside? I’ve already had my first pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks, but there’s still more to look forward to. Here’s what I’m (…I guess I forgot to end this sentence? You know what I mean.)


Make sweatpants a legitimate Thing.    I did this! I bought some floral sweatpants (with pockets!) on Amazon and have worn them to readings, work, and generally about town! Usually with a blazer, to fancy it up, as seen here:



Nail down an easy curry recipe  Have NOT done this! I’ve been trying to cook more, however, and I can keep at this!


Go through my wardrobe and donate everything I can’t sell to second-hand stores   I also did THIS somewhat by accident. While moving to my current apartment, I did a bit of a wardrobe clear-out, like you do when moving.


Eat Halloween candy   TOTALLY “check!” For my Halloween night ghost tour, I bought a bag of mini Reese’s cups and shared them with my tour guests. AND with the cashiers at Urban Outfitters, where I stopped in to buy a new bottle of Mario Badescu drying lotion. If you have to work Halloween night, you should be eating candy!


Find a brown lip that works for me   This year, I’ve acquired almost *every* shade of Maybelline Matte Ink liquid lipstick. It’s the BEST lip product, that’s why it’s always sold out in drug stores. I’ve also found that the shades are VERY flattering! A year ago, I don’t think I would have DARED to try the shade “Amazonian” that I’m wearing here, but I actually like it! It’s a little too “odd” to be a “nude” shade on me,  but you might find it’s a good “nude” on you. It’s a great caramel shade and I can’t rave enough about the long-lasting formula.



Go to Governor’s Island before they close for the season   I missed Governor’s Island 2017 season, but *did* make it there, in June of 2018! I’m definitely going to attempt to make it back there in the fall, before their season ends, to enjoy the crisp weather and hopefully see some LEAVES!



See some leaves changing colors!   This one was a bit nebulous. I’m sure I saw some leaves. SOME leaves. But did I see enough leaves to satiate my leaf needs? Can one ever get enough of autumn leaves?



I’m actually really impressed that I accomplished *so much* of my previous year’s Fall Wishlist! This makes me feel really good about SETTING SOME MORE FALL GOALS! I’m not going to include anything I’ve *already* done (like “drink a Pumpkin Spice Latte,” I did that on Friday, that’s cheating) or anything I’ve *planned* to do already (like “go to DragCon,” because I’ve already bought the tickets, that’s obviously going to happen). I’m gonna shoot for the stars here and make this *actually* hard:


Make this pumpkin sage pasta recipe (with gluten-free pasta) via Hey Natalie Jean

Visit the Little Red Lighthouse and see the leaves changing in Weehawken from across the river in Washington Heights

Nail down a Jacket Potato recipe that’s easy enough for me to replicate for weeknight dinner

Stock up on Archer Farms Pumpkin Spice coffee at Target — enough to last all year!

Head to Domino Park in Williamsburg and get Mister Dips ice cream before they close for the season

Bundle up in a blanket and drink a can of wine on my rooftop and watch the sun set over Manhattan

Start a knitting project to keep my hands nimble & make something lovely while I’m watching Netflix

Visit the Dylan’s Candy Bar I used to work at on 61st & 3rd to hear their Halloween music & get a bag of all the weird candy I’ve missed these past few years (Champagne Bubbles & Ice cubes) and Mellocreme Pumpkins!



Okay, wish me luck. These are mine. What fall must-do activities have I missed?


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