GOOD NEWS! Congrats to the WINNER of ALL STARS 3!!!


Hello hello hello!!!


I am *not* revealing (Ru-vealing?) any spoilers, I am just going to say that I was VERY PLEASED with the outcome of All Stars 3, even if I had to pause the episode four minutes and fourteen seconds before the end to take an Anxiety Shit before resuming the episode to watch the final lip sync. So worth it. And Now I shall spend the rest of my day trying to find that yellow garment (you know which one) online because I am determined that shall be My Spring Look™. This season was full of twists and turns and quite often, I was very unhappy with the judging, but I feel very satisfied with the end result. That’s it. NO SPOILERS in the post, but you can come back in the comments and tell me how you feel and we’ll discuss AT LENGTH there!!!


This week, I learned of the existence of Dreamland Roller Disco. Now, I’m not an expert skater or anything (though I have recently attempted to conquer the ice with my blades of glory and look! No broken bones!), HOWEVER, I would absolutely attend one of these parties. Britney and Madonna??? I mean!!!


A friend of mine posted this on Facebook: The Women of Post-Punk and Goth! Goddamn inspirational!


I wasn’t kidding when I said I wanna be The Bachelorette. So here’s where you apply. You guys. I’m gonna do it. What’s the harm?

This shirt is hysterical. Anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE IKEA. I love visiting their stores. I love their weird dill sauce over salmon. I LOVE ASSEMBLING THEIR FURNITURE. Yes, that *is* an open offer to assemble your furniture for you. And I freakin’ love this shirt. WTF.

Tibby is honestly so much prettier than me. I never gave much thought to catfishing people online, but if I was going to, I would steal Tibby’s pictures and use them to woo strangers on the Internet. I bet I’d be really successful, too. I mean. Look at her.


My boss was talking about the Collyer brothers, and like, WOAH, I did some research, and YOU GUYS, this STORY!?!? You know I have a total boner for New York history, and I like ABSOLUTELY had to learn more:



One weird thing I’ve been really into lately is crime documentaries on YouTube. Most of the time, they’re very old and poorly made (LOVE IT), but after a long day of hand-sewing and thermoplastics engineering (inside joke but also tru) while listening to murder podcasts, I like to come home and unwind while watching a murder documentary. I mean, obviously, trigger warning, they can be disturbing, but if you’re like me (and I think… some people are?) and you are fascinated by death, evil, and murder (uhhh wtf Meghan?), you’ll enjoy these:





Speaking of DEATH EVIL AND MURDER, I’ve got another weekend of shows/tours coming up this weekend! I’m also going to MoMA PS1, and I hope to touch up my roots SOON because they are getting Out Of Control. Have a relaxing weekend and STAY WARM!


those flowers up top, I took a picture of, at Trader Joe’s.


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