LISTEN AT YOUR OWN RISK, but don’t say I didn’t warn ya

When do I *not* have something up my sleeve?

A few days ago, I asked the Twitter and Facebook hive minds to answer the question: WHAT SONGS GET STUCK IN YOUR HEAD?

See, I’d been struggling with having the hook from “Raspberry Beret” in my head for a week. It seems like, whenever I have a song stuck in my head, it drains my life force and leaves an indelible mark on my soul. Like when I wrote a BUST article and referenced Billy Joel’s “Keeping The Faith,” I had that song stuck in my head for SO GODDAMN long and it pissed me off! I remember at university, I was trying to focus on an audition and I had “Boogie Shoes” playing over and over in my head. And before that, at college, I got the “Wedding Bell Blues” stuck in my head for a period of EIGHT MONTHS. It was genuinely disconcerting!

So I did some research and it turns out, I’m not alone. According to Wikipedia: Mark Twain, Arthur C. Clarke, Married…With Children and Spongebob Squarepants have all obsessed over the idea of “earworms” at some point or another.  You really, really want to click on that Wikipedia link, I promise you.

But I can’t promise you that you won’t get one of these songs stuck in your head. Yes, I crowdsourced and curated my own earworms into this utterly terrifying playlist that will probably haunt you for days and days to come. Listen at your own risk! The songs are catchy! You’ll probably remember a time when you had each of these stuck in your head.

CLICK HERE to be taken to my Spotify playlist! It’s collaborative, so feel free to add your own earworms! And for fun, can anyone name the earworm that the two gentlemen pictured up top are associated with?!?



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