5 Fandom Friday: Get Outta My Dreams…

Hey!  You!  Today we’re all nerding out over fictional vehicles we’d totally hitch a ride in…

1.  the TARDIS  of course!  I would straight-up want to plop down into the TARDIS when David Tennant is driving…”Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick” indeed!  Reference to “Tooth and Claw,” anyone?  Total nerd alert there.

2.  The Battlestar Galactica  yeah, it’s a touch overcrowded, but with Starbuck and Apollo protecting you (and the Old Man driving!), you’re probably safest here from Cylons than you’ll ever be.  It’s not even networked! 

3.  The Dora  she is always listening, which is a little creepy, but I’d ride in Lazarus Long’s ship anyday!

4.  Yellow Submarine  sky of blue, sea of green!

5.  Billy Ocean’s car  dude, how could you not?  This song is so catchy, even cartoons want in on it!


14 responses to “5 Fandom Friday: Get Outta My Dreams…”

  1. I can't with #5, and now that song will be stuck in my head all day! LOL

    1. I'm genuinely sorry I introduced such an earworm to 5 Fandom Friday. ALL MY FAULT. Now it's contagious!

  2. You absolutely WIN Fandom Friday for Billy Ocean!!! **highest-of-high-fives-possible**

    1. Thank you for that highest-of-high compliments!!

  3. Haha, love your #5!

    1. Thank you!!! When Billy Ocean says, "HEY! YOU! GET INTO MY CAR!" you GET INTO HIS CAR.

  4. The Yellow Submarine and Billy Ocean's Car… YES! I have a feeling that these probably won't be on many (or any) other lists today!

    Well done!

    1. Thank you! But to be fair, I think EVERYBODY listed the TARDIS, so I lose originality points there.

  5. Oh you put me to shame! As a Liverpudlian I soooo should have had the yellow submarine I my list! Can I share yours?! Please?

    1. I'm sure there's plenty of room for more in the submarine!!

  6. OMG!! The Yellow Submarine!!! YES!!! Awesome picks!

    1. Thank you! I love the Beatles, I would totally hang with them (in cartoon form) !!!

  7. Cool video…first time I've seen it! Love the song!

    1. REALLY?! FIRST TIME?!? WOW. My boyfriend had never seen it either until I showed it to him a few months ago. I can't imagine not knowing that song! It's the perfect road trip song!!!

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