Brooklyn Flea

Yes, folks, Brooklyn Flea is bizarre.  Uh, a Bizarre Bazaar.  And it suits me just fine.

I made the schlepp out to BK on a very sunny Saturday morning and was stunned to find first, the Brooklyn Flea is…kind of hard to find.  I had to walk several blocks along a highway, through construction sites, answer three riddles posited to me by a bridge troll…(maybe)…and pass through several blocks of residential space to get to it.

Let me clarify, I had been to the indoor/Winter space years back, which seemed a lot closer to the Atlantic Ave/Barclay’s Center stop (easily accessible from almost every train, it’s like the equivalent of Times Sq/42nd Street Station in Manhattan – sorry, Brooklyn, I had to put it in Manhattan terms).  But the summer space is…a little trickier.

But don’t worry – you won’t miss it.  Once you round the corner, crowds will lead you to the fenced-in area filled with vendors.  Again, not to be critical, but I thought the flea was larger indoors?  But also, more crowded, because of the confined space.  However, I could be wrong.

It seems that the flea is made op of two main categories of vendors:  FOOD and VINTAGE CLOTHING.  Oh yes, baby, oh yes.  And this ain’t your street-fair fare.  There were gluten-free options, bizarre ethnic food with a hipster twist, new inventions to tantalize the palate – guaranteed, you will not shop hungry.  Skip breakfast, it will be worth it.  And the vintage clothing ranged from affordable to…slightly more than.  I find that vintage shopping can be daunting because, like the food, it all looks just so good, but I went there with a mission:  to find a chic little chiffon scarf for a vintage/French feel and I found one!  For cheaper than the list prices on!  From a super nice lady who chatted me up and guys!  It even matches the Big Blue Hand Chair!

And I think it suits me just fine, non?


One response to “Brooklyn Flea”

  1. Gosh. I love your posts about the city. Show me around next time I'm in town!

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