PSL = Pumpkin Spice LIFE

Fall is my favourite season, and Pumpkin is the reason for the season.  I can’t stress enough how much I love pumpkin everything!  But here, I’ll try:

Mellowcreme Pumpkins:  Are the cutest and most perfect Halloween treat!

Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks
:  Celebrating ten years of making New Yorkers absolutely bonkers.  I posited the question “What happens when you run out of Pumpkin Spice syrup?” to a barista on a recent visit to get a fix.  His answer?  “I don’t want to know.”

Trader Joe’s Pumpkin Coffee:  Currently rocking my socks off.  It’s a win-win:  it tastes amazing, and it makes your apartment smell like awesome.  Cannot stress enough the win.

And the greatest new pumpkin product to be discovered…

PUMPKIN ICE CREAM from Trader Joe!  Ah, Trader Joe, if I weren’t already seeing someone, I would elope with you.  I demurred on this purchase, asked a nearby woman loading it into her basket if it was any good.  She replied that it was “Devil’s Work.”  Being a Devil’s Advocate myself, I bought it and ate HALF THE CARTON IN ONE SITTING.  It’s addicting.  You can’t put it away.  I can’t possibly explain how good this is in words.  If you have a soul, sell it to this Devil.  It’s so, so worth it.


3 responses to “PSL = Pumpkin Spice LIFE”

  1. Oh my goodness, pumpkin ice cream.. I will start immediately to pester my ice cream parlor of choice about it. Heck, someone who makes asparagus ice cream should make pumpkin ice cream!

  2. My guilty pleasure has been pumpkin bagels…best if they're warm and well worth the wait!

  3. you are amazing and beautiful. and everytime i have a pumpkin spice frappucino, i think of you.

    in terms of your creative juices, re: your previous post, you are brilliant and you will get through it. first step, write. write whatever, no matter how good or bad it is. put fingers to the keyboard and write.

    i just got this book "the war of art." you should definitely check it out.

    love you!

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