I See Dead People (Maybe)

I spent most of a rainy morning practicing my newest ghost tour route down in Lower Manhattan.  The rain really made the experience, I gotta tell ya.  Nothing like getting your route map and notes soggy while you bump through streets crowded with tourists!

But, I wouldn’t do anything differently.  I already can’t wait to go back tomorrow.  I love getting up close to history, so close you can touch it. 

The Morgan Building, and shrapnel scars it bears from the Wall Street Bombing of 1920

I like talking about death!  I like it as a fact of life.  It’s the one thing we all have in common.  As I tell all my tour patrons, talking about death reminds us how short life is, and how we can’t take any moments for granted.  Talking about ghosts gives us hope that we may live on, even after death, in some way or another.

Do you believe in ghosts?

This is a window from the Rhinelander Sugar House, used by the British as a prison during the Revolutionary War.  Many considered the building to be the most haunted building in Manhattan.  It has since been torn down, but the window remains on display as a memorial.  So, of course, I had to take my picture with it:

Is it my imagination, or is there a shadowy mist over my shoulder?  Is it fog in my camera lens, from the rain?  Or is it possible it could be the arm of a colonial prisoner, reaching out to catch my attention on a drizzly day in May?

I won’t tell you what I believe.  I tell you to keep an open mind and an open heart, and always have your iPhone camera at the ready to capture the moment.


2 responses to “I See Dead People (Maybe)”

  1. A ghost tour sounds awesome! If I'm ever in NY, I'll make sure to contact you!

  2. I feel like rain would add the perfect atmosphere to a ghost tour. I plan to go on the Seattle ghost tour later this year.

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