At other times, like when you’re trying to get to work on Sunday morning, it can leave you stranded at a stop two and a half miles from your destination from 10:35am – 10:55am. This is why you always leave an extra half hour early for Sunday commute!
I digress. The main gripe I have with the subway, dear readers, is with seating. The MTA has set forth a seat size, and NOBODY abides by it. This is by far the most irritating part of the morning. A half-empty train may still have nowhere to sit if everyone is taking up more than their seat-share.
Imagine you arrive at your job in your car, my suburb-dwellers, and see that there are no parking spaces because everyone has parked diagonally, or on the yellow line between spaces, or left all of their doors open into the adjacent spaces.
New Yorkers: if you don’t want to be shamed on the Internet, CLOSE YOUR LEGS to shoulder-width apart.
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