For the Love of Daleks

February is the month of love.  What better way to spread love than to showcase some of the things I love?  And what better “thing I love” to start with than something that has no emotion…


In case you can’t tell, I love me some Daleks.  What?  Why?  I love their tinny, screeching voices.  I love their undercooked, sunny-side up one-eyed faces.  I love their sausage-penis tentacles.

Source: via Joshua on Pinterest

Honestly, what’s not to love?  They should be the most feared things in the galaxy.  But they’re so cartoonish and goofy.  Like giant awkward Roombas with panda ears and Tyrannosaurus Rex arms and a big flashlight for an eye. 


And it’s not just me who thinks so.  Dalek love is alive and well on Pinterest!

If the sound of a robot voice being raked across a cheese grater gets your hear beating faster, you might have Dalek love too. 


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