Christmas Traditions: Doin’ It All Wrong Since…Ever

Unless you’re somehow stumbling upon this page just now for the very first time ever, you will not be surprised to hear that I am, and always have been, and oddball.  A rebel.  One who marches to the beat of my her own drum.  And I always have been.

Back when I was but a wee child, my mother’s family had a tradition of baking enough cutout sugar cookies to feed an army, spreading them out on the defunct ping-pong table to decorate them.  Key words here?  DECORATE.  However, my family believed that there was a strict order to how the cookies should be “decorated” – all the cookies of a certain shape were to be sprinkled with colored sugar of the same colour.  There was a code and everything:

Angels = pink
Trees = green
Santas = red
Snowmen = blue
Stars = yellow

And that’s just the way it was. 

Would young Meghan stand for this?  What do you think?  Toddler-aged Meghan quickly got in trouble for making pink Santas with a dash of green, blue snow-tinged Trees with vibrant splashes of red, and rainbow (of course, rainbow!) Stars. 

This caused consternation among my family about the misfit cookies, but is proof that I have always done things my own damn wacky way.  Even Christmas.


3 responses to “Christmas Traditions: Doin’ It All Wrong Since…Ever”

  1. Misfit cookies sound delicious!

    1. Misfit cookies are the best kind.

  2. haha so cute. I tried to make/decorate sugar cookies this weekend.. COMPLETE fail. My gingerbread man puffed up and looked more like man on the moon. They still tasted good though 😉 Have a great day!

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