Weekend Update!

How could I possibly resist a link-up named after a segment on SNL?  I couldn’t.  So I’m linking up with Sami’s Shenanigans to let you know a little about my whirlwind weekend!

This weekend, my flatmate (which sounds better than roommate, I’ve decided, because A. It’s British and B. it won’t confuse people into thinking we actually share a bedroom.  Our bedrooms are across the flat.  So there.) and I decided to focus on ourselves.  Being that we are always giving of our time and efforts to others, we declared this weekend to be one of self-indulgence.  My dear flatmate treated herself to the spa and subsequently came down with the flu.  Ouch.  Here’s what I was up to:

I tried to sleep in but the kids upstairs were running laps.  So I took a long shower, deep-conditioned my hair, got all dolled up, summoned all my courage and walked into the tattoo parlor I had chosen to get my work done.  I had a long, in depth conversation with their artist, Rachel, and she agreed to work on me on that Saturday!  Nervous and excited, I strolled around my favourite neighborhood, Greenwich Village, popping into a couple of stores to look at pretty things that all my hard work would allow me to afford.

this is a “tiny house” I passed on Christopher Street

That night, my flatmate went to a party, and one of her old friends stopped by to say hi to me and check out the apartment.  He stayed for hours while we listened to each other’s iTunes and sang Motley Crue at the top of our lungs.  Take that, kids upstairs.

Chores and errands had to get done, so I did my laundry and bought groceries.  I cooked one of my big pots of pasta salad, cleaned my room, and gave an amazing tour of Greenwich Village in the evening.  Seriously.  It was my best yet.  I was so happy with how it went, my eyes teared up as I collected tips.  I’m so grateful to have such a fulfilling life that brings me so much joy.

That evening, Eels brought by a suitcase full of hats and sweaters I’d left behind at his apartment, say, four months ago?  And I now have a new (old) wardrobe!  Hooray for warm!

Are you ready for this?  I woke up at 7am for my therapy appointment, which brought up a lot and made sense of many things.  It was so intense, that even my therapist said “We covered a LOT of ground.”  But I left feeling happy about what we’d discussed and ready to face the upcoming week with a fresh perspective.

I bought my bus ticket to spend Thanksgiving with my family!  It’s going to be a long, tiring journey of eight hours on the bus and one transfer at 3am, but I’m excited for the adventure.  And I can’t believe I actually get to have a holiday like I was afraid I would miss out on!

My best gay friend Matt was in town, and he let me talk him into brunch.  I was so happy to see him (it’s been like nine months!) that I couldn’t stop hugging him.  We walked and talked and I ate the “good meal” that Rachel the Tattoo Artist told me to have – a huge plate of Eggplant Rolatini and a salad.  I was so full and happy.  Matt and I went to some old haunts and I bought myself the CD of Evita I wanted with money I found in my pocket that morning – so it was like a free gift!

My tattoo appointment was sweet and painless, but I spent the night sore and grumpy because of the swelling and bruising.  I distracted myself by singing the entirety of Evita along with the CD while it synced to iTunes. 

I had a short shift – I was done by 3pm!  Instead of rushing home, I treated myself to another stroll – down Fifth Avenue to see the shops done up for the holidays. 

My mom’s favourite shop during the holidays is Fendi – their icicles look like they’re dripping!

I walked three miles, but stopped to treat myself to dinner at Pret A Manger and look into some shops for presents.  I came home to drink some decaf coffee, pick up medicine for my sicky flatmate, and blog while watching Battlestar Galactica.

My weekend was awesome!  How was yours?  Don’t tell me — join the link-up!


3 responses to “Weekend Update!”

  1. Yay, you've joined in!

    That sounds like a great weekend. I need to go walk 5th one of these nights after work. I love the window displays.

  2. How cool is that 'little house'? Your weekend of treating yourself sounds great! It's so important to remember to do that!

  3. Cute tattoo! Hopefully your hand is feeling better!

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