Gonna Make It After All

So, now you know my terrible secret that I’ve been keeping for a month.  I’ve been dumped.  Surprise.  Sure was to me.  So I’m going day by day, and it’s getting easier all the time.  The trick is to stay productive.

Today I made:

A totally ghetto but surprisingly satisfying pasta salad out of a box of pasta, two cans of olives, a container of grape tomatoes, and a bottle of Italian dressing.

A puzzle of Times Square.

Plans to celebrate my birthday with a friend.

Two phone calls (well, I didn’t make them, but I didn’t hit ignore, let it go to voice mail, and sob uncontrollably instead).


4 responses to “Gonna Make It After All”

  1. I am very sorry to hear this. Trying to stay productive is a good plan. But don't be afraid to allow yourself those critical moments of uselessness, as well. Ignoring your grief is just as damaging as allowing it to consume you.

    In any case, my condolences. I hope that things become tolerable soon.

  2. You finished it in one sitting!?! And no missing pieces?! Wow.

    1. I thought it WAS missing pieces as I was making it, but I managed to put it all together! Awesome! It took like, a morning, but it was a welcome diversion.

  3. I'm sorry to hear your news. 🙁 I have your blog in a folder called "Inspiration" in my google reader, and although you're going through tough times, I still find your blog and your posts very inspirational. I'm sure you'll be bombarded by helpful stories, tips, etc, but I went from being terrified of living/being alone after a break up to learning to embrace it. I feel like it made me stronger person and I was so proud of things I could accomplish myself, that I never thought I could. Made me ready to accept new love in my life (and now husband). We, the internet, are here for you when you need us.

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