It’s De-Lovely!

Oh Gawrsh!

I’m tickled pink to be nominated for the One Lovely Blog award!
Being able to snootily call myself a “blogger” is it’s own reward,
but making connections with all of you guys is also pretty great.

Speaking of which, the lovely Kassie Nichole from Ginger Flair nominated me, and if it wasn’t against the rules, I’d nominate her right back.  It’s been great getting to know Kassie through her blog, playing Draw Something against her, following her Pinterest, Twitter, and Instagram!  She has great style and is one cool chick to boot.  Thanks, Kassie!

And while we’re spreading the love, here are some more great bloggers who deserve some shout-outs!
1. Crazy Tragic Almost Magic
2.  A Prince and a Prozac
3.  Life of Bon
4.  My Life as a Teacup
5. Lariats and Lavender
6.  Sprezzatura
7.  It’s The Journey…
8. Preposterous Pace
9.  The Nearsighted Owl
10.  New York Cliche
11.  My Beautiful Disaster
12.  The Best Part of My Day
13.  Live.Love.Random
14. Everyday Trish
15.  The Funky Junkie

And, as per the rules, here are 7 things you may or may not know about me!

I’m addicted to incense.
What do massage parlors, college dorms, Pearl River Mart, and my apartment have in common?

2. Yesterday, I rode in a cab by myself for the first time EVER.
I’ve always been afraid of being abducted (you hear stories) or getting lost (apparently, for some cabbies, our apartment is hard to find?), but it was rather pleasant, aside from me feeling like I was going to throw up or pass out the whole time.  Still, beats feeling sick on the subway!

3. I’m a vegetarian, but I love fake meat.
All the meat-eaters I talk to say that the veggie burgers and sausages I enjoy taste nothing like real meat.
Therefore, no explanation necessary.

I collect the fortunes from fortune cookies.
I use them as captions in my scrapbook.  What?

I make great mixtapes.
Look out, Pandora radio.  I love the clever art of arranging different songs into one CD to demonstrate your feelings for someone of capture the zeitgeist of a particular time in your life.  I’m ripping my old CDs from ten years ago into iTunes and enjoying re-living my early college years on up through the music I was enjoying at the time!

I adore drag queens.
The first (and last, really) live drag show I attended was back in college, but I adore RuPaul’s Drag Race, Paris is Burning, and the Pride parade every year.  Drag queens are like unicorns:  why have a plain old horse when you can have one with a horn, too, eh?  Wink wink, nudge nudge.

I can’t perform music in public.
 It’s almost a given that I’ll start singing in the middle of conversation.  I happily sing along with radios, with the music in stores, or my own made up tunes, such as “Gay Dudes,” “Pirate Pug Jack,” and “Peaches McCallahan”.  But I would get so nervous at elementary school concerts that I would forget to sing.  I would shake at piano recitals so badly that I couldn’t read the sheet music.  And at karaoke night, I talk a big game, but when I sing, I invariably clench my knees together and bob awkwardly while singing to distract from my tuneless voice, I guess?


2 responses to “It’s De-Lovely!”

  1. I do the saving-the-fortunes-from-the-fortune-cookies thing, too. I put them in my journal.

    Thanks for the mention, you're a dollface.

  2. I am horrible. You gave me this award and I dont think I realized it! 6 months late is better than never? Thanks!!!

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