The Highline, in Springtime

The Highline, NYC’s newest park, early spring 2012

Strikingly verdant.  Modern.  Industrial.


6 responses to “The Highline, in Springtime”

  1. gorge pics!

  2. i love! i cant believe i still havent been there yet.

    1. Oooh but you must! I was there when it first opened, and just went back recently and I was surprised at how much was new/improved! I forgot to take pictures of the REALLY cool parts, that's how cool it was! I'm going back today and I'm so excited!

  3. Ooooh! I reviewed a kids' book about this park! The author was a HUGE fan. Gotta see it in person someday. Thanks for sharing!

    1. The idea behind it is so amazing and inspiring – to take old things that have lost their function and fallen into disrepair and turn them into useful and beautiful things! It makes me hopeful for the future to see that kind of ingenuity and creativity.

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