First Saturday at the Brooklyn Museum

Consider this the exciting conclusion of my King’s County Trio of posts:  the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, Brooklyn Flea, and finally, Target First Saturday at the Brooklyn Museum.

After 5:00 on the first Saturday of every month, our beloved Target hosts a fabulous free event at the museum.  And much like actual Target on a Saturday, it gets pretty busy!  People start lining up early to get admission to the – oh yeah – DANCE PARTY on the third floor!

They have some very interesting installations – such as contemporary art

Wind, Sunshine, and Flowers by Alma Thomas

And Egyptian art and artifacts

Ceiling mural in the Egyptian exhibit

And period rooms.  PERIOD ROOMS!  My favourite display at the Met!  Only in the Brooklyn Museum, they took huge chunks of the actual HOUSES and transplanted them into the museum, so you can walk in the front door and step into a house from the 18th century.  The best part, in my opinion, was the staircases:

Imagine the people who have scampered up those stairs, hundreds of years ago!  Plus, I often dream of staircases, maybe that’s why I find them so intriguing? 

Here’s the thing about the Brooklyn museum.  While the Met can be a bit sterile, the presentation in the Brooklyn museum is colourful, inventive, and exciting.  Everything is bright, colourful, and exciting!  That is, except for the visible storage room:

The height of sterile!  It’s what I imagine the remains of our civilization will look like, put on display for post-apocalyptic viewing.  “Look at the ancient people and their Eames chairs, marble busts and primitive silverware!”  Standing under the flickering fluorescent lights, looking at the trappings of our historic legacy, it all felt a bit maudlin, in a good kind of way.

So don’t wait!  Because “waiting is forbidden”!  Check out the Brooklyn museum.  It’s worth the admission, but it’s even better when it’s free!  First Saturday of every month, with details on their website


2 responses to “First Saturday at the Brooklyn Museum”

  1. I would totally spend the entire time drooling over those staircases. So, so cool.

    1. I know, right? I always dream (or have nightmares) about staircases. In fact, for a while I used to scare my boyfriend because whenever I dream about falling down stairs (which is often, in the stair dreams – stair nightmares – stair-mares?), I thrash and kick my legs violently but I don't wake up right away. Kind of like a seizure. Maybe that's restless leg syndrome???

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