Things I Love Thursday: Coffee vs. Tea

With tomorrow being Valentime’s Day and all, today’s battle for beverage supremacy is near and dear to my heart.

Coffee will always be my first love.  When I wake up, my first act of consciousness is to start the percolation of a pot of coffee.  That first warm, dark sip restores my humanity.  Any reluctance in the morning, sore throat or stuffy nose or mild headache or upset stomach all but vanishes as the rich, bitter fluid courses through my body.  Coffee is sexy and artsy.  As a child, I knew that if I truly wanted to be an artist, I’d need to take up smoking or learn to love coffee.  Smoking was always too gross for me, so coffee it must be.  Love of coffee makes me feel like part of the grown-up world of important people, clever people, smart people.  Coffee brings people together – let’s meet for coffee!

Tea on the other hand, is my newest obsession.  It’s so varied and complex!  It can range from sweet to spicy to bitter to tangy.  I have only begun to explore the world of tea.  All the different colours, all the different varieties…tea is like Burlesque, always changing and alluring. It can bring you up, it can let you down.  Like Shirley Manson. 


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3 responses to “Things I Love Thursday: Coffee vs. Tea”

  1. When you say Burlesque, are we talking about the cinematic gem you and I saw together? Because that movie never changes. If anything, it get better after each viewing! 😉

  2. I am super curious to see these results. You threw me for a loop with the survey. I've been drinking tea since back in high school. They each are amazing in their own right. I don't regret my vote. And on that note, I'm going back to sipping on my tea!

  3. I can't pick!!! I love coffee (mild roast for this girl!) But lately have been drinking a lot of tea! Probably has a lot to do with my throat being kindof sore and coffee just not sounding good!

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