Ten Things That Make Me Happy

1. Candles

2. Walking

3. Adrenaline

4. Coffee

5. Ugly dogs

6. Putting makeup on in the morning

7. Scrubbing my makeup off at night

8. Falling asleep to music

9. Singing along

10. New York City


6 responses to “Ten Things That Make Me Happy”

  1. Seeing 'ugly dogs' on your list makes me wonder, do they make you laugh like ready that made me laugh?
    Love your list btw, sweet but happy moments in a day.

  2. "Ugly" dogs? There's no such thing as ugly dogs. Every dog is adorable! 🙂

    1. Ha! I realized I call them "ugly" dogs because that's what my mother thinks of them – little dogs with smushed-in faces. I love a smushed-in face! But my mother says they're "uggy dogs"!

  3. HAHAHA it made me laugh that ugly dogs was on your list. I think you should do a full on ugly dogs post to follow up on that one..

  4. I also enjoyed the ugly dogs one :p
    I think coffee is on almost everyone's list.

  5. Anonymous Avatar

    I'm onboard with 1, 2, 8, 9 & 10 — great little exersize for everyone to do — akin to counting ones blessings!

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