Top 6 Most Insecure Guys On The Bachelorette Season 12 Week 6, Ranked

Alex and Jojo

  1. Alex is living my hell. He has an inkling that nobody likes him… and he’s right! Last night, JoJo told the cameras that she wasn’t “feeling” Alex in a “romantic” way, at the very same time that the rejected dudes on the Bachelorette Bus were freestyle rapping insults about his diminutive height. Alex is a decent guy who can nail a Pringles duck beak on the first try and looks good in this outfit. He doesn’t deserve half the crap he gets. SPOILERS! He professes love to JoJo, and she sends him home three minutes later.Screen Shot 2016-07-12 at 12.06.48 PM
  2. Luke really wants box seats to the Super Bowl every year, because he’s obsessed with Jordan’s “competitive edge” over the rest of the guys. #NeverForget that Jordan got the First Impression rose, Luke! It almost feels as though the only time Luke wakes up from his quaalude haze is when he’s freaking out over Jordan.Screen Shot 2016-07-12 at 12.09.26 PM
  3. James T. spent the better half of last week’s episode being a nervous wreck, and he reprises performance this week by giving us a demonstration of the skills that earned him the title “French Fry Crammin’ Champ-een of Katy, Texas.” If that doesn’t win her heart, he’ll accuse the other guys of ogling women on the covers of magazines at the newsstands! Anything to make the other guys look bad! Hey, how many French fries can THEY shove in their mouths? Fewer than 25? You got this, James!Screen Shot 2016-07-12 at 12.10.10 PM
  4. Robby  “Did you see James T. killin’ it with all those French fries? How will I ever compete with that — I know — STREAKING!”Chase and JoJo
  5. Chase is so not concerned about those other guys during his one-on-one time with JoJo on the group date. Those other guys, remember? You know those guys — the ones whose names you actually remember? Nope, Chase isn’t worried about those guys. He tells JoJo, “I do feel a lot of confidence in us,” especially when it comes to all the other guys! Think about those GUYS, JoJo!the horse
  6. This Horse has gotta be feeling just a little insecure right now.Screen Shot 2016-07-12 at 12.05.10 PM
    Also in this episode:  Jordan.


One response to “Top 6 Most Insecure Guys On The Bachelorette Season 12 Week 6, Ranked”

  1. The phrase “his quaalude haze” really got my goat. I’ve been trying to find a good way to describe Luke. You found it first.

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