Making A Breakup


You know how people talk about “food & wine pairings”?? Well, I think I’ve accidentally hit on an excellent “Netflix & Internet time waster” pairing.


Netflix’s Making A Murdererand The Cut’s “Both Sides of a Breakup” series.


After being beyond busy for months, I’ve finally found time to sit down and watch the second season of Making A Murderer on Netflix! I know it came out in… September? The night it hit the streaming service, I was giving a “Mostly Murder” tour for Ghosts, Murders & Mayhem Walking Tours in Hell’s Kitchen, and they were playing the trailer for the show on the side of a building on 10th Avenue when we walked past. #Topical!


Then, on Man Repeller, I learned of the series “Both Sides of a Breakup” on The Cut. That’s a mouthful! I have read Man Repeller for many years (since before Leandra Medine revealed her engagement!), and it’s generally one of my favorite websites! And they didn’t steer me wrong here.


So, why are these such a good pairing?


I recommend starting with Making A Murderer. Get one, maybe two episodes under your belt. As all of the forensic evidence begins to wash over you like warm bathwater, it awakens your analytical mind, and you become receptive to taking in objective fact from a variety of sources. Ok.


Now you’re ready for “Both Sides of a Breakup.” After Making a Murderer has made you an expert in forensic analysis, you’re prepared to read these short interviews of exes, presenting the evidence that led to the dissolution of their union. Imagine these folks, a la Gaggle of Saints, testifying to the wrongs they committed against their partners within earshot of one another. It’s not *quite* as uncomfortable as watching the Brendan Dassey coerced confession yet again (did you have to do that to us again in the sequel????)


Breakups — as with murder trials — frequently muddy the emotional with the objective. Obviously, these things are a natural fit together. *kisses fingers like a chef* ENJOY !!!


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