Feast Your Eyes on Hand of Man (Owego, NY)

Just over the “new, historic” bridge traversing the mighty Susquehanna River into Owego is the River Rose Cafe, sharing a building with what just might be the most visually stunning shop I’ve ever been in – Hand of Man.

They sell every beautiful thing you could imagine.  Jewelry!  Christmas ornaments!  And a squadron of angels in every conceivable style and dress.

I mentioned that the store is visually beautiful, but one of the most striking things about the store is that it smells amazing.  There is a stellar cafe out back, but the store also sells oodles of delicious foodstuffs of their own!

The coffee corner smelled so delicious, that I had to come back again
and buy some Chocolate Raspberry Creme coffee to take home with me.  My
exact words on the subject were:  “What smells so good and how can I
get some?”  Don’t worry, tea people, they have you covered too:

This store is seriously like a museum of awesome.  I wanted to buy all my Christmas presents here and hoard them for next year.  I wanted to eat outside on the terrance but I would have frozen to death.  I wanted to put my head under the coffee bean dispenser and…well, you get the idea.  This store is so awesome and colourful it defies explanation, so I’ll just leave you with some photos of the highlights:

Green woodland scene in the window
Purple peacocks (this one was my favourite)
White Nativity
Pink Christmas?
Hand of Man
180 Front Street, Owego, NY
Mon – Sat  9:30 – 5
Sun  9:30 – 4:30


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