A Peek At…the American Museum of Natural History

Sometimes, surrounded by tall buildings and crazy people, it’s hard to even remember that nature EXISTS, beyond Central Park.  Luckily, right along the park is the American Museum of Natural History!

I had no idea, but Eli LOVES planetarium shows.  Oh, that was amazing!  Makes you feel so small, and yet so important.  Blows your mind!  Must-see.  And I learned that I weigh 22lbs on the moon.  Eli weighs thirty-three.  Yowza.

But if you’re feeling cheap, just give them a dollar donation, skip the special exhibits and check out the classic staples.  Say hi to the elephants!  And the dinosaurs in the lobby!

And the dioramas…the DIORAMAS!  Dioramas for MILES!

All in all, if you’re looking for a warm, indoor activity for your winter trip to NYC, or a cool summer activity, the American Museum of Natural History ROCKS!!!

Get it?  GET IT?!?  Rocks!  Well…you get it.

Visit The American Museum of Natural History
Central Park West at 79th Street
Open Daily, 10am – 5:45pm


6 responses to “A Peek At…the American Museum of Natural History”

  1. I just wanna visit nyc, again.

    Why I moved to the western side of the continent is beyond me.

  2. Hahaha. Rocks.

    I haven't been here yet. I went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art hoping I'd feel cultured and intelligent there. Didn't happen. I decided art isn't really my thing. Dinosaurs though??? I'm really into them.

    1. Ooooooh! The whole top FLOOR is Dinosaurs! You must go! It's SO cool! We got there two hours before closing, and didn't have time to go all the way upstairs. Oh, but you'll love it!

  3. looks like an awesome museum! i haven't been to a museum in ages… might need to go again soon!

  4. I've been living on the East Coast for 4 years now and I still need to do the touristy thing in NYC..I've driven through and left on a cruise from NYC…but I want to see Central Park and Time Square :)For Sure!



    1. If you come, you should hit me up! I can direct you around or give you locales and tips!

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