Downtown to Chinatown

So once a week, my friend Connie and I get together under the noble banner of seeing more of this great city we are so fortunate to live in.  When in reality, we just take tons and tons of Instagram photos.  The plan was to walk downtown, to visit Park Here, on the advice of Gala Darling.  And then, we would visit Chinatown.  In a nutshell, DOWNTOWN TO CHINATOWN.

This was the gloomy, rainy day I started out with.  There is no filter on this picture:

42nd & 5th:  Thoughtful Library lion saved you a seat.  You’re welcome!

34th & 5th:  It was so foggy, the entire top of the Empire State Building disappeared!

Who says I don’t work on my day off!  Holding up streetlamps is a tough racket!

29th between 5th & Madison:  I have always thought this church was really beautiful.  Here’s just a taste:

23rd & 5th at B’way:  Madison Square Park always has some wacky art exhibit.  This time, there was a cartoon playing on a TV in a tree!  And this really cool fountain!

A quick stop into Fish’s Eddy to ogle dishware, a brief hurricane (no kidding) and we were at our indoor oasis at 201 Mulberry Street!  I’ll let the pictures do the talking!!!

It was so refreshing and relaxing to escape from the heavy winter layers, sink into the oversized, metallic beanbags, and listen to the cheerful mix of happy conversation and easy listening music.

Finally, CHINATOWN!  We bought treats and necessities at an ENORMOUS grocery store, took a picture of this gorgeous balcony display, then ate dinner next door at Nice Green Bo on Bayard Street.  It was so delicious and really cheap! 

And of course, we had to have ice cream at Chinatown Ice Cream Factory.  Mine was Blueberry, and it was AWESOME!  Come to think, last time we hung out, we had ice cream, too.  I think that would make a nice tradition.

Then it was onto a train, back up to Times Square, for the Hell’s Kitchen tour of Ghosts, Murders and Mayhem!  It was thrilling, grotesque, sweet, and tragic.  I can’t wait to learn the stories myself and start giving the tour in the spring!  Time to squeeze in a few last shots.  The Millennial ball from the ball drop at the Times Square Visitor’s Center:

And this dude, in a bowling pin costume, who was whacking people on the head as they walked past!

Hope I didn’t “bowl you over” with too many photos, but I love these little photographic adventures in the city!


6 responses to “Downtown to Chinatown”

  1. hahaha….seriously I feel like I'm in NYC all the time now….I can't wait to go visit there and actually walk around, I want to take my kids to the zoo :)and I want some of that ice cream!

  2. This city just stays with me.

    Even if I'm a million miles away from it now, it stays with me.

  3. hey Meghan Sara! thanks for visiting me lades and the introduction to your wonderful world! there's so much going on here and i totally dig all the NYC love seshs. you're super lucky to be living there, it's always been a big dream of mine. i've visited and never wanted to leave, the energy and vibe of that fine ass city gets my juices flowing.

    fantastic photos from your walk about Chinatown, dying to visit Pearl River Mart again someday. happy weekend wishes! ♥

  4. These photos definitely make me want to visit NYC! xo

    1. that's exactly how i feel looking at all these pictures 🙂 one day!

  5. i love the city and all the diversity that it brings. these images are both beautiful and hilarious, especially the last one 🙂
    xo TJ

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