New York Chinese Scholar’s Garden in… Staten Island?!?

Would you believe these pictures were taken….

…on Staten Island???

That’s right, chickens, the Snug Harbor Cultural Center on Staten Island plays host to The New York Chinese Scholar’s Garden, a sensory overload of plants, architecture, and water features.

When you visit botanic gardens in the winter, the good news is you usually get in for free.  The bad news is, all the plants are dead.  Womp womp.  This garden, though, I would totally revisit in the spring.  Despite the travel. A subway, a ferry, and a choice between a two mile walk or bus ride.  Hmm.  It’s almost easier to just go to China.



2 responses to “New York Chinese Scholar’s Garden in… Staten Island?!?”

  1. lol, staten island. i used to teach there and had to take car service, i cant imagine taking public transport. i am so thankful you have the banshees song posted, i was hoping that was a reference to that awesome song!

  2. Amazing pics. Love it <3
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