Tag: new age

  • My Favorite “Woo Woo Hippy Doo” iPhone Apps

    My Favorite “Woo Woo Hippy Doo” iPhone Apps

      Dream Journal Ultimate I have been using Dream Journal Ultimate for over a year now. It’s honestly the most reliable part of my morning routine! Before I started journaling my dreams, I maybe remembered one or two dreams a month — now, I sometimes remember up to 3 different dreams a night! In the…

  • Yes, I Actually Floated In A Sensory Deprivation Tank (Mostly)

    Yes, I Actually Floated In A Sensory Deprivation Tank (Mostly)

    It’s the day after my float, and I want to write down everything while I still have a thin crust of salt in my forearm hairs. So I want it on record that *I* was the one who had this wacky idea in the first place. It was at a health foods store in California where my…

  • I Got The Power

    I Got The Power

    I wanted to pop in a week after this post and give you an update on my medical situation, but since then, the health and welfare of the entire country has gone critical. I can’t believe it actually happened, but Tr*mpcare passed the HOR. REALLY?! I mean, HOW?!? We have to stop this from passing the Senate. I’m hopeful, but not exactly confident, considering just…